Friday, January 25, 2008

Moving Day Part II: Moving Sucks

I have been bombarded by a nasty little cold which basically made me sleep for 80% of my day. I woke up in the afternoon to check mail and what not. I found out my package was absconded with on tuesday night before i got back home. With the package being in-front of my apartment door a mere 2 hrs. I woke up a second time around 730ish pm. Went back to sleep realizing that i still need to call utilities. Thus is the reason why i am up at 4am.

Welcome to A Shameless Plug

Moving really just sucks. If I was moving for the pleasure of having a kick ass place. I don't think I would be as bitter. But I have to track my ass back from the east coast to Alaska. Now, don't get me wrong, I love Alaska. best state out there. I have roughly 4 years of just stuff accumulated. Now I get to find a freight service that goes to Alaska; reserve a parking space from the county for a day; slap the boxes on there and send it off on its merry way. I was considering driving my crap back, but 1500+ dollars? I do not think so.

I still get to call my utilities tomorrow and tell em i am leaving this place and forward all bills to alaska. The hardest part of this fiasco is going to cancel my cellphone. My current provider has NO STORES OR RETAIL SUPPORT (e.g. best buy) in Alaska. SO that'll be fun.

I'm considering a movie tomorrow. it is five bucks at the first showing, if so you might get a lovely review. probably or "Meet the Spartans". I'm not sure if I will or won't. Parodies are pretty hit or miss.

I thought I would be writing more. However, I'm pretty damn achy and my legs want to fall off. I think I'm going to bed try to sleep and distract myself with some Star Trek or Clint Eastwood.

have a good morrow children,



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