Thursday, August 30, 2007

I'm gettin' tired of this

Interviews suck. I always get nervous about them. No matter what. *shrugs* ah well

You what is a great game. Risk
I love the game, i wish i had a copy of the game myself instead of bumming it off of friends, but eh. It's just another day out in the lovely east coast. I can't wait til winter.

Anyway, kinda back on topic.
The main point for this blog is just chit chatting. I am not planing on talking about my life very much or at all. I would rather just ramble on about random things. That said, today i just want to take a little time and talk about cleaning. I am talking about cleaning where you live/work; not your computer files, etc.

Cleaning, much like interviews, kinda suck. Also... It's necessary , it is expected, and you can not get very far in life without cleaning or interviews for that matter. Personally I always say that "I need to clean.", "I'm going to cleaning ____ room/apartment", "I just need to clean a little." and so forth and so forth.
Ladies (I highly doubt there are any who will be reading this let alone an actual audience)
If you hear a guy tell you this albeit friend, partner, family member or other. Unless the guy has OCD, these are lies. Most the time these are flat out lies, but there are some guy who *want* to have a clean apartment and are just bums who put off the cleaning, then promise to clean later (which in turn will most likely become another lie).

Today thou, in-fact right now, I am cleaning. I know shocking. I had an inspection yesterday. I also had to clear out the bathroom and kitchen because I was visited by the exterminators. So in the mists before throwing everything back into the bathroom. I am honest to god cleaning it. trust me, you don't want to see it prior to this event. Let me put it this way: I have the tub soaking in diluted Mr. Clean. I just went to do a little mopping and I'm 90% done with the bathroom. yay me

I'll throw everything back into the kitchen in a little bit. I still have to finish cleaning my living room. I had some of it done, but then I had to move everything from my kitchen cabinets into the living room. A lovely step backwards to what i wanted to accomplish -.- I also need to do some laundry. I actually have to go out this weekend and look for some clothes. I'm down to only a handful of usable pants. so i get to throw money to that.

Well I'm off to pay bills

You kids have fun out there.

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