Wednesday, November 30, 2005

I'm gonna take off my pants

Don't worry, I am wearin' shorts 8-)

I just got home from flying all day from the wonderful state of alaska and I now feel slightly inspired. It maybe because I slept for most of the day, the lovely strawberry sunday from DQ, finishing a book b-day present, or a combination of the three. In anycase children, I'm back in VA. The ever exciting prospect of finding an employer now looms upon me. With my luck, they'll ask me if i ever wrote "a blog" and thus this little puny site will be check *just in case*. Fine by me, in fact i welcome it! Hello Mr. Security Investigator! :-D and I do mean that in the most sincere way. You have to make sure whom you hire isn't some loony.

In fact I'll actually give a half ass attempt of a mission statement for this site/blog. I think everyone should have one after all. Besides the fools who actually stumble in here by accident should know what's going on. Technically this is TWO entries late, but eh it happens. Well I'm going to try to be funny. Give some observations from time to time. And, of course, plug the hell out of some random stuff. It is the name after all. (Just to clarify, the blue colored words in the blogs are links.) So it'll probably be mainly item number one and item number three. Item two is what most people go for.

So anyway, back to the flight today from Anchorage, AK to Washington, DC. damn it was long. 8:55 am Alaska Standard Time (1255pm EST) to 955pm Eastern Standard time. okay enough about that, I got a wonderful book from my little sister. She is the bestest. It is "Make love!* *the Bruce Campbell way" you can read an excerpt here. What was even better was that she left work early just to get his autograph in the book. He wished me a happy b-day 8-) :-D

I almost want to link the folks whom i've plugged so far to this little silly blog. However I am hesitant cause I'm not a crazy fan or would i like to be portrayed as one. :-p
That's all children, until we meet again. I'm going to watch some Craig Ferguson now...


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